A top Belgian agency made this for the energy company Electrabel. Very nice work.
And here's the making of:
Source: Famous
A Happy New Electrabel Year
Get a Mac on Christmas
The new animated commercials for the holidays.
Last year's:
Get a Mac commercials
Merry Christmas, Coca Cola
Oh jolly! I wish all of you, consumers, lovers, haters, enthusiasts, designers, geeks, hipcats, bloggers, artists, pariahs and hot single mothers a merry Christmas and a happy financial crisis!
Have yourself a well-earned coke for the holidays.
Don't you just love unsubtle, straightforward, old fashioned advertising? No, not really, but this is charming in a evil kind of way. These iconic images are by the hand of Haddon Sundblom, one of the greatest illustrators who ever lived.
Millennium Falcon Papercraft
Who said that the Japanese weren't insane? In this case - they're nuts in so many things - it's in a good, geeky way.
Star Wars fans, strap yourselves! Every nerd has had a wet dream about the Millennium Falcon or at least has had a healthy obsession of it. They hold a special place for the famous personal smuggling starship of Han Solo and Chewbacca in their hearts.
"And now here is an incredible papercraft recreation by Shunichi Makino. The detail is extraordinary and true to the movies. This is a great project for inmates with a science fiction passion or any young man who has no desire to kiss girls in his teen years. If you’ve got the time, put it together and we’ll show it off proudly."
And that's not the only one. There's an AT-AT of it too! Not only that, there's an R2D2, AT-ST, etc.
YES, you can make it yourself! Just download and print the drawings. May the Force... well, you know.
Source: VectorVault
For DIY go to Shunichi Makino: SF Paper Craft
American Boy cover
Best cover of Estelle's American Boy. By courtesy of Sam Sparro and BBC Radio 1.
Fallout Boy's cover sucks.
Malus Communis by deFact
Seventy designers transformed over 40 rooms of the white hotel in Brussels (Belgium) some time ago. They turned them into solo creative exhibitions and temporary mini shops. One of those featured was from deFact studio. David Richiuso displayed his 'malus communis', a tree like shelf used for storing cd's and dvd's.
I like it, but I think we've seen this before. It sort of channels Ron Arad's Bookworm Bookshelf, the spiral shelves that I love. Sexy aren't they? Although this deFact design might be a bit more practical for storing.
Source: designboom
Unchosen Obama logos
We all know and recognise the beautiful Obama logo. But before the final one, there's always a process all (good) designers know and sometimes fiercely dread or passionately love. So before the one gets chosen and finalized there are also other designs to be considered.
Sol Sender led a design team for the Obama 08 logo. He was recently interviewed about the project. Along with that talk, some of the designs were revealed. Nice work if you'd ask me and clearly the best won, sometimes it's just crystal clear.
So here are the others: Logo Design Love
Walking Bike
Max Knight likes bikes and sneakers, me too. He combined them, I like it even more.
Yes, it works... sort of.
Source: w3sh
Giant Tetris
Innit kewl?
When I first stumbled onto these images over on Justin James’ Flickr gallery, all I could figure out was that they’re a) giant Tetris pieces and b) they were seen somewhere on the streets of Australia. Given a land mass of over 7,686,850 square kilometers, I figured it might take some legwork to find these in person.
A little sleuthing revealed this photo which provided the missing link in finding the true location of these massive falling bricks.
It turns out if you happen to be wandering the streets of Sydney, you can find these oversize, illuminated Tetris block sculptures floating over your head as you walk through the narrow corridors of Abercrombie Lane.
Further exploration revealed that Giant Tetris (aka “One More Go One More Go”) is actually part of an outdoor art exhibition called Live Lanes - By George! which runs through January 31, 2009. The larger-than-life installation was put together by the guys over at Gaffa Gallery, who clearly have fond memories of the classic brick-stacking puzzler.
You’d better get over there quick, before all of the blocks fall to the ground and fill up the entire alley.
Untitled Flower Jar... Whaletastic!
Here might be something you’ve never seen before. Industrial designer Alessandro Bêda, from Portugal had a very interesting idea, when he designed this two-piece flower vase in the shape of a whale. The flowers, placed in the whale’s ‘blow hole’, are like a colorful burst of water spray. Bêda’s vase is still in the concept phase, but he is looking to have it produced and on the market. I hope that he will get lucky and find someone that will help him produce this vase, because the design looks very good, and would be great in any modern home.
I know I love it and really want it...
Source: Behance
Magic Helvetica Sharpie
WOOOOOOOW... /me wants one badly. :')
"Ahhhh… technology. The geniuses at Plexifilm have spent the past two years developing a Sharpie pen that actually writes in Helvetica! This pen is so experimental that it’s priceless… literally. You can’t buy one, but you can get one free with any Helvetica merchandise purchase (DVD, T-shirt, etc.). Get your free pen while they last. It’s a great gift for that person in your life with sloppy handwriting…"
* Warning: if you are John Downer or Marian Bantjes then the pen will actually write in Helvetica. Otherwise, your results may vary. Do not swallow. Keep away from open flame and co-workers. May cause drowsiness.
You know how sometimes people can go into the zone for a game? The New York Times checked it out.
And by the way, don't you just love the new 16:9 YouTube aspect ratio?
People who complain about the lack of choice between formats are not being reasonable. 16:9 should've been the standard a decade ago (for every screen, YouTube hasn't been here that long), so get over it. Pan&scan is wrong, 4:3 is wrong, wrong, wrong and it's prehistorical. The only amateurs on this issue are the ones who still want 4:3!
Under Barack Obama
Just for good ol' time's sake... :')
Of course a parody based on Rihanna's Umbrella... ella... ella... ee... ee...
But rumor has it that pre-elective rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack-Attack are teaming up. She would be appointed as Secretary of State, which is a virtual certainty at this point. So figuratively "Pantsuit Clinton" actually would be under Barack Obama. :')
Update: Well, they told us so...
This is kinda eerie... but weirdly cool. No words for these animatronics.
Go check Banksy's exhibition of The Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill, there are videos!
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
This is not new, but it sure does deserve an Awesome rating. What if you put the ever hilarious and highly chemical combination of Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion together? And top it off with a genuinely funny Neil Patrick Harris and an online starlet named Felicia Day? You get something horr... uhm... horribly wacky like Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
"The Blog is a 43-minute musical film produced exclusively for Internet distribution. It tells the story of Dr. Horrible (NPH), the aspiring supervillain alter ego of Billy; Captain Hammer (Fillion), his nemesis; and Penny (Day), their mutual love interest. The movie was written by writer/director Joss Whedon, his brothers Zack Whedon (a television writer) and Jed Whedon (a composer), and Jed's fiancée, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. The writing team penned the musical during the WGA writers' strike (2007-2008). The idea was to create something small and inexpensive, yet professionally done, in a way that would circumvent the issues that were being protested during the strike."
Somehow this might be once again a little giveaway of Whedon's fetish of the redheaded nerdy type, but sexy enough alright. If you don't believe me, go see Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Firefly. Sexy geeks are OK in my book. ;)
Felicia Day with Summer Glau, the other Whedon muse, at one of the rallies. The Guild actress with the actual Writers Guild of America...
Here are the three Acts, the image is stretched though, but it's just so you can get the idea:
Or if you want them in the usual and normal format, you know where to find the webisodes...
Website: drhorrible.com
Soundtrack is also available on iTunes!
How I Met Your Mother
One awesome show you should definitely check is HIMYM. It's undoubtedly the hottest post-Friends sitcom to watch. It feels very topical, you can almost pinpoint an actual period through little commonalities like holidays, music, movies, celebrities... CBS is already airing its 4th season, so catch up soon! It's a mission possible, because one episode only takes 20 minutes.
The show's created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas. HIMYM stars Josh Radnor, Jason Segel (Apatow movies), Alyson Hannigan (Buffy), Cobie Smulders and Neil Patrick Harris (Dougie Howser and the Harold & Kumar films).
In my opinion it's based on the blueprint of Friends though:
- It's situated in NY
- It's about friends hanging out in an appartment
- There's a womanizer, there's a married couple, a dream girl, etc.
- Hanging out in a bar (not at a coffee place, but there's a funny episode of it)
- Young educated, metropolitan people in their late twenties/early thirties
- About having relationships, which isn't a real argument, but -whatever- bear with meSo there are lot of things that seem familiar. BUT it has a whole other edge to it, it's told in flashback by... yes, America's favourite dad: Danny Tanner aka the alter ego of a much much more vulgar Bob Saget. It's a story told by an older version of the main character, Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor), to his two children of how he met their mother.
The shows has a lot to offer, one of those things is that the makers keep you guessing of who the mother might be. Ted keeps having a lot of squeezes and girlfriends in his search of the One. But my guess -after 4 seasons- remains my first instinctive choice, even though there are no real foolproof evidences.
The theme song is Hey Beautiful by The Solids. An awesome music video compiled with clips from the first two seasons.
I strongly recommend HIMYM, it has become one of my all-time favourite shows. The sitcom actually uses cross media too, so be sure to discover that for yourself as well. Quickly check it out one way or another so you can get the inside jokes, enjoy Barney Stinson's (NPH) antics and his Bro Code quotations, and find out what the awesome quote "It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!" comes from!
It's on CBS and check your local listings for a broadcast. Now suit up!