Mad Men

Change a fresh white Oxford, choose your favourite cufflinks, pour a scotch, light a smoke, while pondering about how you became the most awesome creative director on the entire East Coast... how you became a Mad Man.

This paints a picture of the amazing American show on AMC about advertising executives in the late fifties and sixties. According to the first episode, the phrase “Mad Men” was a slang term coined in the fifties for advertisers working on Madison Avenue (by advertisers working on Madison Avenue).

Vanity Fair photo shoot

After the first episode I became a huge fan, I'm promoting it to everyone I know. Its audience is still relatively small, but it deserves a huge count of viewers, because it's probably the best show since The Sopranos, as it has the same creator: Matthew Weiner. Two seasons have passed by now, the third one will return this summer. An enormous campaign is coming! I'm looking forward to it and so should you, I'm telling you now so you have time to check the previous episodes by then.

Entertainment Weekly photo shoot

The show's so stylish it almost hurts, it's oozes masculinity, gentleman manners, womanizing charm and creative superiority. The art direction is so crisp and flawlessly historical... well, almost. The drama is mature, dark and explores the times gone by. Acting is top notch, its characters intensely intriguing. John Hamm is awesome as the charismatic, square-jawed, silver-tongued Don Draper with a idyllic family, a trophy wife, countless mistresses and a job that fits him like his grey perfectly tailored suit.

Especially for people in this field, the show unravels the very foundations and evolution of creative advertising. Very cool. Although it's set in a fictitious agency called Sterling Cooper, there's a lot of name-dropping like McCann Erickson, BBDO, Ogilvy & Mather... it's hard not to feel involved. I love it.

Vanity Fair

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