Liu Bolin

Yesterday was exactly 20 years ago that the Tiananmen Square massacre (referred to in China as the June 4 Incident) occurred.
This is as relevant as ever since the People's Republic of China still silences its people, censures its history and hides the truth from everyone, even themselves. I am angry, but so is every Chinese and human rights supporter. China needs to come out and tell the truth and stop the denial and the silence. The world already knows!

Great work from Liu Bolin. There's lots more, go check out the gallery below.

Galerie Bertin

1 comment:

Eli Klein Fine Art said...

Liu Bolin has been doing his Hiding in the City series since 2005. It started as a political commentary on the tensions between the Chinese government and their people and the identity an environment gives an individual and vice versa. Liu Bolin will be exhibiting at Eli Klein Fine Art in New York from June 29 - August 28, 2011. Eli Klein Fine Art represents him exclusively in North and South America. More images can be found on