Our brand new iMac

So we got ourselves the latest update of the iMac, a 20" 2,66 Ghz, which was introduced a few posts under this before. It's now all set up with my 4 year old PowerBook G4 next to it, both posing sleekly. These are breathtaking pieces of state-of-the art functional design that makes me salivate...

It's not standing in my room, but in my sister's, explaining all the girlie stuff. I'll show my PowerBook set-up later on perhaps.

Unpacking an Apple product is always great fun, which feels like tearing out an expensively well wrapped Christmas present. And man, it really comes close to that merry feeling. I had the same impression when I took out my PowerBook and iPod Video. I might post those unpacking photo's as well... if I can find them that is.

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