Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

This is not new, but it sure does deserve an Awesome rating. What if you put the ever hilarious and highly chemical combination of Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion together? And top it off with a genuinely funny Neil Patrick Harris and an online starlet named Felicia Day? You get something horr... uhm... horribly wacky like Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!

"The Blog is a 43-minute musical film produced exclusively for Internet distribution. It tells the story of Dr. Horrible (NPH), the aspiring supervillain alter ego of Billy; Captain Hammer (Fillion), his nemesis; and Penny (Day), their mutual love interest. The movie was written by writer/director Joss Whedon, his brothers Zack Whedon (a television writer) and Jed Whedon (a composer), and Jed's fiancée, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. The writing team penned the musical during the WGA writers' strike (2007-2008). The idea was to create something small and inexpensive, yet professionally done, in a way that would circumvent the issues that were being protested during the strike."

Somehow this might be once again a little giveaway of Whedon's fetish of the redheaded nerdy type, but sexy enough alright. If you don't believe me, go see Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Firefly. Sexy geeks are OK in my book. ;)

Felicia Day with Summer Glau, the other Whedon muse, at one of the rallies. The Guild actress with the actual Writers Guild of America...

Here are the three Acts, the image is stretched though, but it's just so you can get the idea:

Or if you want them in the usual and normal format, you know where to find the webisodes...

Website: drhorrible.com
Soundtrack is also available on iTunes!

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