Shutter Shades

Approximately one year ago, you might have noticed that hip hop superstar Kanye West was wearing an odd pair of glasses... a frame actually. But it was cool, right? The first exposure of these shades was in his video of Stronger, a single on a sample of Daft Punk, which he really flaunted.

It became so recognizable, that he used it in his album cover designs...

They're called Shutter Shades... and I have pair, just in case you feel like party hardy like a genuine hipster. I won't really wear it a lot though, because it has already become a hype. And there's no bigger dealbreaker than a fad. Everyone wants to be hip or cool and by that they just become uncool, but you knew that already. <_<

This is the snow white Classic, it's so striking. I have the one below, a less white version, because of the phosphoric layer. A glow in the dark version. ^_^

It's so iconic now that all kinds of designs and variations have jumped in on it. Like this T-shirt, tell me you don't want one, you silly hipster.

Get yours at Shutter Shades

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